TRW Clutch repair Superkit MSK104
TRW Clutch repair Superkit MSK104

TRW Clutch repair Superkit MSK104

  • 1 year + 14 days return
  • New part (price include VAT)
  • 9.5 / 10 based on 32305 Ratings
  • Important: Price per piece
(VAT item)
€ 117,95
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More information about TRW Clutch repair Superkit MSK104 :

Clutch Plate
New part (price include VAT)

Short description

Make replacing your clutch easy by ordering all parts at once with the TRW Clutch Superkit MSK104 . ...

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Full description

Make replacing your clutch easy by ordering all parts at once with the TRW Clutch Superkit MSK104 . This complete set has all the parts to replace your clutch, namely the padded plates, steel plates and the clutch springs. All parts in this complete set are from TRW and are composed by different durable materials to maximize the best performance. These parts are at least as good as the original clutch plates, maybe even better. One of the benefits of this MSK104 Superkit from TRW is that this set is cheaper than having to order all parts separately. Because the parts are coordinated, it also saves time with assembly and you can get back on the road faster with the motorcycle.